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Digitization of Fishing Reports

The Nueva Pescanova Group is a leader in the frozen seafood products sector, with a broad distribution in Spain, 18 production factories, and a turnover of 1008 million euros.

Their Challenge

Grupo Nueva Pescanova needed to equip its fishing fleet with a work tool that would allow to digitize the activities on the fishing vessels. It was a multifunctional application designed to record all activities during a fishing day, with capabilities to operate in environments with limited connectivity and even offline.

It was necessary to define and implement a uniform corporate model for the recording, communication, and consultation of fishing reports, complying with the specific requirements of Argentina and Namibia.


We developed an offline application that covers everything from design and prototyping to implementation, allowing the creation and recording of fishing reports (including report data, date, incidents, and observations) and the consultation of information about vessels (vessel data, fishing reports, and vessel tides, as well as functions for calculating occupancy percentages based on parameters of the vessel).

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